Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Boundless Compassion


Sorrows Gift Wrapped

Our Natural Humanness

Mar 14, 2016


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

What will be there?

I grieved
all the losses
I had endured
until each one
I came to see
was gift wrapped
and signed
by You,
"My Dear One, please
share this
with Me."

*Aug 2.2004.

Our natural humanness includes a spontaneous expression of caring, of compassion. We may find we most transcend sense of self, and self-concerns, when giving ourselves in kindness for others. I mean giving ourselves, for empathy and kindness are basically not about giving even empathy and kindness, but ourselves. This is one reason we can give ourselves without feeling what many would mean by such words as compassion, empathy, kindness, and love, for a more subtle expression of what these words point to is not the feeling. And if our natural humanness entails such a posture of heart, we can logically conclude such naturalness in self-giving reflects the Other, whether seen as an abstract Quality inherent in the Universe or a personal Being we could call Creator. I conclude our natural disposition mirrors One beyond abstract or personal and shows the return to Grace, by Grace, is a return to our natural gift of being and experience. How odd for many of us who sought to escape our humanness through some spiritualized transcendence, that we discover transcendence is not transcending humanness but the falsity of what goes under the designation human. We return Home to here, right here in this human beingness, in this body. From Home, we love, we serve, we worship.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Boundless Compassion

©Brian Wilcox 2024